从事设计创新与创业方面的研究和教学。主持上海市教科项目《舍恩反思实践视域下设计教学理论研究》、中国科协项目《创新设计学风传承及人才队伍研究》、上海市软科学项目《设计驱动的“共同创造”创新方法研究》,以中方 PI 身份完成英国艺术与人文研究委员会 AHRC 国际合作科研《中英产学协同培养国际创意人才模式研究》等纵横向课题。获得国家级教学成果奖二等奖和上海市教学成果奖特等奖,主讲一门国家级线上线下混合式金课,一门上海市线下一流课程,一门上海市全英文示范课程。发表 CSSCI、SSCI、EI论文及设计研究 DRS 和设计管理 dmi 会议论文等20余篇。出版译著《设计商业与管理》、《China Good Design 2015-2019》。
2006-2012 管理学博士(PhD), 中国同济大学
2001-2004 应用语言学硕士(MA), 中国同济大学
1997-2001 英语文学学士(BA), 中国同济大学
2018-至今 同济大学设计创意学院,副教授
2017-2018 同济大学设计创意学院/同济大学上海国际设计创新学院,助理教授
2009-2017 同济大学外事办公室、同济大学中芬中心,国际项目协调人
2004-2009 同济大学经济与管理学院,讲师
[1] 2023-2025 上海市教育科学研究一般项目,舍恩反思实践视域下设计教学理论研究(主持)
[2] 2021-2024 科技部重点研发计划项目,面向智能交互产品的创意服务设计技术和平台(参与)
[3] 2021-2022 中国科学技术协会项目,创新设计学风传承及人才队伍研究(主持)
[4] 2021-至今 国家社科后期项目,设计研究学术图谱(参与)
[5] 2021-至今 教育部新文科项目,大数据驱动的设计学建设与发展研究(参与)
[6] 2020-2021 上海市科委软科学重点项目,后疫情时期上海产业创新生态治理与修复研究(参与)
[7] 2019/02-07 英国艺术与人文研究委员会(AHRC),UK-China Creative Industries Partnership Development Grants,AH/T001178/1,Supporting Young People to Become International Creative Talents: Educational Enterprise Collaborations between Shanghai and Liverpool(中方PI)
[8] 2019-2020 国家自然科学基金委国际合作重大项目,子课题-氢泄露检测技术的车-站-网设计开发研究(参与)
[9] 2018 上海高校课程思政试点学校同济大学课程思政教育教学改革试点项目,《创新方法与创业基础》课程思政探索(参与)
[10] 2017/01-2018/12 同济大学人文社科青年基金项目,共同创造的创新情境下跨边界团队研究(主持)
[11] 2017/01-2018/12 同济大学教学改革研究和建设项目,本科跨学科国际辅修专业---新产品开发项目课程体系建设(主持)
[12] 2017/07-2017/06 上海科技发展基金软科学项目,上海企业创新设计能力演进的案例研究:惯例涌现与悖论应对(参与)
[13] 2016/06-2017/05 上海科技发展基金软科学项目,16692106600,设计驱动的“共同创造”创新方法研究(主持)
[1] Shao, L., Miao, Y., Ren, S., Cai, S., & Fan, F. (2024). Designing a framework for entrepreneurship education in Chinese higher education: a theoretical exploration and empirical case study. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-024-03024-2
[2] Comi, A., Graff, D., Jiang, X., & Fei, F. (2024). When West Meets East: Uncovering the Chinese Perspective on Design and Designing. Design and Culture, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1080/17547075.2024.2335428
[3] 范斐,董雯静,杨琳琳,徐江.舍恩反思实践理论对设计研究的学术影响[J].南京艺术学院学报(美术与设计),2022(02):65-70+210.
[4] Fei Fan & Xuanchen Liu (2021) Recruiting Overseas Talents to Universities in Mainland China: Study of a “Double First-Class Initiative” College, Chinese Education & Society, 54:3-4, 130-140, DOI: 10.1080/10611932.2021.195819
[5] 范斐, 陆洲. 以学习者为中心的跨学科创新学习空间营造研究[J]. 高等工程教育研究, 2016, 2:63-68.
[6] Kettula, K., Lampinen, M., Fan, F., & Jiang, D. (2013). Chinese university teachers' experiences of a Finnish university pedagogical workshop. Trames, 17(4), 367-382. https://doi.org/10.3176/tr.2013.4.04
[7] 范斐, 张玲红. 创意产业展览服务环境综合评价研究[J]. 上海管理科学, 2013,2: 23-27.
[1] Fan Fei, Xu Jiang, Liu Huirong, China Good Design 2015-2019, Shanghai Jiaotong University Press, 2024
[2] 范斐.《设计商业与管理》,同济大学出版社,2022
[3] Yongqi Lou, Fei Fan, Jin Ma. (2016). Mission D, an Interdisciplinary Innovation and Venture Program at Tongji University. In Banny Banerjee and Stefano Ceri (Ed.),Creating Innovation Leaders, A Global Perspective (pp. 201-213). Switzerland: Springer.
[1] Meng, D., Dong, W., Yang, L., and Fan, F*. (2024) An integrated theoretical framework for reflective teaching in Chinese design education and abroad, in Gray, C., Ciliotta Chehade, E., Hekkert, P., Forlano, L., Ciuccarelli, P., Lloyd, P. (eds.), DRS2024: Boston, 23–28 June, Boston, USA. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2024.593
[2] Yang, L., Tan, L., Xu, J., and Fan, F. (2024) Design for Manufacturing: Learning Processes of a New Product Development Design Team, in Gray, C., Ciliotta Chehade, E., Hekkert, P., Forlano, L., Ciuccarelli, P., Lloyd, P. (eds.), DRS2024: Boston, 23–28 June, Boston, USA. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2024.507
[3] Sirui Peng, Xutong Hou, Fei Fan*, Unraveling the unexpected: navigating surprises in toolbased product design, 24th DMI: Academic Design Management Conference, Delft, Netherlands, 6-7 August 2024
[4] Xinyi Song, Yankun Wei, Luning Shao, Fei Fan*, Unveiling the Strategic Role of Design Innovation in China's Ceramics Industry: Insights from an Analysis of 21 Listed Companies, 24th DMI: Academic Design Management Conference, Delft, Netherlands, 6-7 August 2024
[5] Peiyuan Ge, Fei Fan*, A Systematic Review Of The Role Of Ai Artificial Intelligence In Design Education, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2024). DOI number: 10.35199/EPDE.2024.18
[6] Zixin Ren, Yuxi Li, Fei Fan*, Huaping Gong*, Designing Ai-Enhanced Teaching Products For University Omo Classrooms, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2024). DOI number: 10.35199/EPDE.2024.16
[7] Linlin Yang, Shangjie Zhang, Danqing Meng, Ziwen Lu, Fei Fan*, From Prototype1.0 to Prototype3.0: Situated learning in Prototype design for Chinese labour education, International Conference 2023 of the Design Research Society Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge (EKSIG), 19-20 June 2023, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
[8] Jinxiao Chen, Fei Fan*, Innovation from Cooperation: Effects of Team Learning Behaviour on Innovative Behaviour in Design Teams, The 23rd dmi: Academic Design Management Conference
[9] Linlin Yang, Fei Fan*, A Learning Process Model for Product Development Team Involves in the Corporate’s Digital Transformation, The 23rd dmi: Academic Design Management Conference
[10] Shangjie Zhang, Huaping Gong, Fei Fan*, Designing the online learning product for online-merge offline (OMO) learning, The 23rd dmi: Academic Design Management Conference
[11] Junming Fang, Fei Fan*, The user-inspired business model for online video platform: A case study of Bilibili and its Generation Z users, DMI: ADMC 2020, virtual platform, 2020.08.03-08.07
[12] Fei Fan, Minqiang Ni, Mingjie Zhu, Exploring Living Labs Approach in Public SectorInnovation: a design-driven initiative in Chinese urban community, ENoLLOpenLivingLab Days 2016 Conference, ENoLL 2016, Montreal, Canada,2016.08.23-08.26
[13] Fei Fan, Zhou Lu, Designers in New Venture Team in China, The 20th dmi: AcademicDesign Management Conference, DMI 2016, Boston, USA, 2016.07. 28-07.29
[14] Fei Fan, Tingan Tang, Timo Nyberg, Matti Hamalainen, Using Living Labs Methodology to design Entrepreneurship Education program in China, ENoLLOpenLivingLab Days 2014 Conference Proceedings, 66-74
[15] Fei Fan, Zhou Lu, Danni Wang, Wenjia Zhou, Using PD6 to explore the initial collaboration between Chinese Companies and Chinese universities-experiments done by Sino-Finnish Centre, Tongji University, Proceedings of NordDesign 2014Conference, 164-172
[16] Fei Fan, Designing the Sino-Finnish Pedagogical Program- A New Interdisciplinary and Multicultural Collaboration of Higher Education. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Pedagogical Research, Shanghai: Tongji Press, 2013,213-217
[17] Fei Fan, Chinese Students' Conceptions on a Sino-Finnish Joint Program of International Design Business Management. Proceedings of 2013 IEEE-TsinghuaInternational Design Management Symposium, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineerings, Inc. CFR31988-PRT, Printed in Beijing, China, 2013,361-365
[1] 范斐、苗雨欣、陈瑾霄、邵鲁宁、刘力丹,HOTO 小猴大“创”能:以设计创新开拓中国智能手动工具新天地,入选中国管理案例共享中心案例库教学案例
[1] 2023年获国家级教学成果奖二等奖
[2] 2022年获上海市教学成果奖特等奖
[3] 2022年获上海市一流课程
[4] 2021年获同济大学优秀本科生导师
[5] 2020年获同济大学育才奖二等奖
[6] 2019年获同济大学宏达奖
[7] 2019年获同济大学教学成果奖一等奖(排名第二)
[8] 2017年获上海市教学成果奖一等奖(排名第四)
[9] 2016年获同济大学五四青年奖章提名奖
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