Filippo Fabrocini 现任同济大学创意设计学院正教授,“可持续人工智能实验室”主任,并且是同济大学“人工智能&艺术实验室”创始人之一。他同时隶属于意大利国家研究委员会(计算应用研究所),担任 “Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence” 期刊的副主编,以及 “AI & Society” 期刊的副编辑。他的主要兴趣领域是机器学习、量子神经网络、人工智能伦理和计算艺术。
此前,Filippo Fabrocini在 IBM Research Center 担任高级研究员,供职于人工智能团队(1986年至1992年);他作为访问学者在 Carnegie Mellon University 计算机科学学院工作,并与Herbert Simon 教授(ACM 图灵奖以及诺贝尔奖得主)合作(1987年);他曾出任 Gregorian University 哲学系教授,主持逻辑学教席,并代理当代哲学史教席(1993年至2001年);之后他加入 IBM Milan/Rome Business Innovation Centers,担任总经理一职,管理一个40-45人的团队,包括创意总监、用户体验设计师、用户界面设计师、内容策略师和 IT 架构师(2001年至2010年)。在中国, Filippo Fabrocini 先后担任四川大学计算机学院(软件学院)正教授(2015年至2016年),北京理工大学软件学院正教授(2016年至2018年),主要为研究生讲授与人工智能相关的课程。Fabrocini 教授拥有哲学硕士学位 (Rome, Gregorian University)、认知科学硕士学位 (Brighton, Sussex University),以及哲学博士学位, 其博士论文主题为心智的表征理论。Gregorian University 是隶属于罗马教廷管辖的最重要学术机构,其哲学系曾有 Bernard Lonergan、Fredrick Copleston 和 Johannes Baptist Lotz 等上世纪下半叶最具影响力的基督教哲学家就职。在 Gregorian University 任教期间,Fabrocini 教授开设了多门当代哲学史课程,尤其着重于 Adorno 的艺术理论,以及语言哲学和心智哲学。同样地,Sussex University 的认知研究学院为 Fabrocini 教授提供了研究先锋性课题的独特机会,当时认知科学正处于发展初期,他有机会与 Douglas Hofstadter、Aaron Sloman 和 Margaret Boden 等杰出学者一起学习和研究。
Filippo Fabrocini 曾多次获奖,包括两次 IBM Outstanding Technical Award (OTA) 和一次 IBM Client-Value Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (OTAA)。他还获得了由意大利政府情报及安全服务执行委员会 (CESIS) 颁发的荣誉奖项,该委员会的职责是协调意大利所有情报部门,当时由前总理 S. Berlusconi 担任主席。这一奖项旨在表彰他在设计一款知识管理/文本挖掘系统方面做出的贡献,该项目亦曾在意大利议会进行过展示。Fabrocini 教授对现代及当代艺术有着浓厚的兴趣,这源于他父母对收藏艺术品的热爱。在中国,他在各种艺术机构进行了演讲,包括在中央美术学院(北京)、鲁迅美术学院(沈阳)以及中国人民大学艺术学院,讨论与现代及当代艺术相关的话题。他还在厦门大学经济学院(厦门)关于艺术创业 (Artpreneurship) 的商业主题上进行了讲座。Fabrocini 教授还是意大利和中国多个艺术展览的策展人。同时,他也频繁受邀就人工智能相关主题发表演讲和讲座,包括新华社、广东电视台以及2021年世界人工智能大会 (WAIC 2021),在那里他担任主旨演讲嘉宾并主持了三个小组讨论。
[1] L. Di Pace, F. Fabrocini, M. Maggiore, "Conceptual Clustering: Using Apriori and Aposteriori Evidence to Generate a Hierarchical Taxonomy", in Atti del Congresso Annuale dell'Associazione Italiana per il Calcolo Automatico, AICA, Cagliari, 1988.
[2] L. Di Pace, F. Fabrocini, “Nuove frontiere nei sistemi esperti: apprendimento automatico di conoscenza”, in Note di Informatica, n. 20, 1988.
[3] F. Fabrocini, "Macchine che imparano e macchine che imparano ad imparare", in Homo Loquens, A. Lobato ed., Bologna, ESD, 1989.
[4] F. Fabrocini, "The SEL Project. An Application of AI Technology to the Preliminary Parts of Civil Proceedings", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Logic, Computer, Science and Law, Firenze, 1989.
[5] L. Di Pace, F. Fabrocini, "Improving Knowledge-Based Systems via Conceptual Clustering", in Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Expert Systems and Their Applications, Avignone, EC2, 1990.
[6] L. Di Pace, F. Fabrocini, "Using Classification to Guide Knowledge Acquisition and Refinement in Real-World Domains", in Cybernetics and Systems '90, Proceedings of the Tenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and System Research, London, World Scientific Publishing, 1990.
[7] L. Di Pace, F. Fabrocini, "Learning from Observation in Noisy Environments via Integration of EBL and SBL Techniques", in Proceedings of the Ninth European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI, London, Pitman Publishing, 1990.
(该论文利用了J. Pearl的信念网络,是最早应用Pearl想法的论文之一。)
[8] F. Fabrocini, "Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, and Machine Learning: Techniques, Problems, and Perspectives", in Proceedings of the European School of Chemiometry, Tipografia Sibilli, Gargnano, 1990.
[9] L. Di Pace, F. Fabrocini, "Integrazione di tecniche empiriche ed analitiche nell'apprendimento da osservazioni", in Atti del Congresso Annuale dell'Associazione Italiana per il Calcolo Automatico, Bari, 1990.
[10] L. Di Pace, F. Fabrocini, "Apprendimento da osservazioni in ambienti affetti da rumore", in Atti del Primo Workshop del Gruppo AIIA di Interesse Speciale sull'Apprendimento Automatico, Torino, 1990.
[11] L. Di Pace, F. Fabrocini, G. Bolis, "Shift of Bias in Learning from Drug Compounds", in Proceedings of the European Working Session on Learning, EWSL, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1991.
(最早将“偏差”的概念以及在学习过程中自动偏移 (shifting automatically bias) 的技术引入到机器学习中的重要论文之一。)
[12] G. Bolis, L. Di Pace, F. Fabrocini, "A Machine Learning Tool for Computer-Aided Molecular Design", in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Tools for Artificial Intelligence, Los Alamitos, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1991.
[13] G. Bolis, L. Di Pace, F. Fabrocini, "A Machine Learning Approach to Computer-Aided Molecular Design", in International Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 5, 1991.
(该论文仍是计算机辅助分子设计 (Computer-Aided Molecular Design) 领域的一个里程碑:它是第一篇将机器学习技术应用于新药设计的论文。)
[14] G. Bolis, L. Di Pace, F. Fabrocini, "Apprendimento automatico nella progettazione di farmaci", in Note di Informatica, n. 26, 1991.
[15] G. Bolis, L. Di Pace, F. Fabrocini, "A Machine Learning System for the Structure-Activity Relationship Problem", in International Journal of Expert Systems, 5, 1992.
[16] L. Di Pace, F. Fabrocini, “Knowledge-Based Molecular Retrieval System and Method Using a Hierarchy of Molecular Structures in the Knowledge Base”, U.S. Patent, N. 5,418,944, 1992.
(IBM 专利,涉及与分子结构三维表示相关的基于知识的检索技术。)
[17] F. Fabrocini, "Die Rolle der Praxis bei der Bildung der kognitiven Strukturen", in J. Quitterer & E. Runggaldier, eds. Der Neue Naturalismus - Eine Herausforderung an das christliche Menschenbild, Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 1999.
[18] F. Fabrocini, F., S. Jian'an, “Intelligent Process Automation of Industries Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning”, in Journal of Computing and Natural Science 1:2, 2021
[19] A. Addazi, P. Chen, F. Fabrocini, C. Fields, E. Greco, M. Lulli, A. Marciano, R. Pasechnik, “Generalized Holographic Principle, Gauge Invariance and the Emergence of Gravity a la Wilczek”, in Frontiers of Astronomy and Space Sciences, June 2021.
[20] F. Fabrocini, K. Terzidis, “Re-framing AI: An AI Product Designer Perspective”, in Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology, 25:3, 2022.
[21] K. Terzidis, F. Fabrocini, H. Lee, “Unintentional intentionality: Art and Design in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”, in AI & Society, January 2022.
[22] A. Marcianò, D. Chen, F. Fabrocini, C. Fields, E. Greco, N. Gresnigt, K. Jinklub, M. Lulli, K. Terzidis, E. Zappala, “Quantum Neural Networks and Topological Quantum Field Theories”, in Journal of Neural Networks, 153, 2022.
[23] K. Terzidis, F. Fabrocini, “Deep Permutation Design. An AI-based Design Methodology”, in Leonardo, March 2023.
[24] A. Marciano, D. Chen, F. Fabrocini, C. Fields, M. Lulli, Emanuele Zappala, “Deep Neural Networks as the Semi-classical Limit of Topological Quantum Neural Networks: The Problem of Generalization”, arXiv:2210.13741.
[25] C. Fields, F. Fabrocini, K. Friston, J. F. Glazebrook, H. Hazan, M. Levin, A. Marciano, “Control flow in active inference systems Part I: Classical and quantum formulations of active inference”, in IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications.
[26] C. Fields, F. Fabrocini, K. Friston, J. F. Glazebrook, H. Hazan, M. Levin, A. Marciano, “Control flow in active inference systems Part II: Tensor Networks as General Models of Control Flow”, in IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications.
[27] F. Fabrocini, K. Terzidis, “Finally, The Death of the Author!”, in AI & Society (forthcoming).
[28] F. Fabrocini, K. Terzidis, K. Jinklub, What Is the Problem with a Deontic Approach to AI? The Principle of “Autonomy” and the “Decide-to-Delegate” Model (submitted).
[1] L. Di Pace, F. Fabrocini, Tecnologia dell'Apprendimento, Roma, Franco Angeli, 1990.
[2] F. Fabrocini, Introduction to Logic, Roma, Pontificia Università Gregoriana Editrice, 1991.
[3] F. Fabrocini, Il labirinto e lo specchio. Tecniche e problemi della logica moderna, Roma, Franco Angeli, 1998.
[4] F. Fabrocini, ed., Strategie collaborative e creazione del valore, Roma, Franco Angeli, 2010.