
TIAN Yulin

Tian Yulin 

Post-Doctoral Researcher


1. Research

bodily play, game study, HCI, multiple screen narrative


2. Teaching

  Serious game and game-style interaction


3. Academic and social Post

ACM CHI PLAY 2022 full paper reviewer

ACM CHI PLAY 2021 work in progress reviewer


4. Education Background

2021 PhD in digital media art, Communication University of China

2019-2020 visiting PhD student in game science and design, Northeastern University, MA, USA

2018-2019 exchange student in game direction, Tokyo University of the Arts, Yokohama, Japan

2014 M.A. in game design, Communication University of China

2010 B.A. in animation, Huazhong Normal University


5. Work Experience

APR 2022 – present  postdoc, Collage of Design and Innovation

2016 – 2017    head office of international office, Hubei University of Technology

2014 – 2017   lecturer, Hubei University of Technology

2013   game system designer, Cocoa China, Beijing.


6. Publications

1,Xiuqing Jia, Yulin Tian. The Idea and Creative Process of the Screen X Film [J]. CONTEMPORARY CINEMA (CSSCI/CSCD),ISSN:1002-4646, CN:11-1447/G2,2020(01):153-157.

2,Yulin Tian. The Transmutation of Perception: Research of Attention and Visual Guidance in Virtual Reality Context. In Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Companion Extended Abstracts (CHI PLAY '18 Extended Abstracts). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 91–94.

3,Xiuqing Jia, Yulin Tian.The Development Process and Reality Construction of “Chinese School”[J].CONTEMPORARY ANIMATION,ISSN:2096-6032, CN:10-1582/G2,2018(02):11-16.

4,Yulin Tian, Embrace the Transition by Tradition: REDO the Course of Introduction to Animation Based on Transformation of Chinese Animation Education and Industry,Proceeding of Cumulus 2017 Kolding.

7. Exhibitions

2019 10 SKIN GEIDAI ANIMATION Exhibition, Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts, Yokohama, Japan.

2019 10 SKIN GEIDAI ANIMATION Screening, Euro Space, Tokyo, Japan.

2017 THE WORLD OF INNOCENCE - International Exhibition 2017, One Space, Wuhan, China.

2017 International Exhibition ‘World Landmarks from Chinese Perspective’- Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan, China; as curator.

2010 Art Exhibition ‘LOHAS’, K11, Wuhan, China.


8. Contact

Email: yulin_t@tongji.edu.cn


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No.281 Fuxin Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai, China
College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University
