design workshop
movable working furniture for Innovation Incubator
D&I, China + Kolding, Denmark
2014 OCT.13th – 2014 NOV. 4th
Concept presentation : OCT. 17th
Midterm : NOV. 24th
Final : NOV.7th
Objective :
The objective of this workshop is to create a strong and rich kick-start to the 4 weeks Design course at Tongji University. We do this by creating our own Innovation Incubator . The participating companies will get access to user experiences in this field and a catalog of ideas by co-creating with the students. The students will gain insight to the reality of their future work by co-creating with the company and being framed by a ‘real life’ assignment, and hopefully stay in touch with the company doing the course. Our expectations are that the corporate framing of the workshop will creates a realistic framework for the student's ideas, - and that from this will arise ideas for the companies to be inspired by and stepping stones for the student to follow it the course.
Join company :
Attach the concepts from working groups.