
Smart Urban Living–Sino-Swedish Solutions for Cities on the Move

Start from March 20,2014 to 27, The Consulates General of Sweden in Shanghai was proud to present Smart Urban Living in Tongji University college of design and innovation. 10 days of seminars, workshops and exhibitions to attempt to grasp the complexity of the challenges of urbanization. The question underlying all of these events was: how can we build cities which enable their residents to live sustainable lives?

Seminar on Air Pollution

The week started on March 20,2014 with an invite-only seminar on the topic of air pollution, organized by the Consulate and Business Sweden in Tongji University college of designand innovation. Dr. Lou yongqi, Dean College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University gave the opening Opening remark.

The objective of this week of events was a platform for meetings and discussions on the challenges and opportunities of urbanization and create awareness about Swedish solutions, expertise and technology.


Smart Sustainable Living Seminar


On March 25 Tongji University college of design and innovation hosted the inauguration of the whole week, as well opening of Stockholm on the Move – an exhibition originally assembled by Sweden’s Färgfabriken, reflecting the development of Stockholm as a modern city, and the many challenges faced by urban planners. The exhibition will run for a month.

The seminar was held under the heading Smart Sustainable Living, where the main topic of the week, how to create and inhibit sustainable communities, was explored through informative Pecha Kucha-presentations by experts working across various urbanization-related fields.The speakers presented their ideas on urbanization from a global, regional and local perspective.


Stockholm on the Move


During the same day, the opening of Stockholm on the Move – an exhibition originally assembled by Sweden’s Färgfabriken, reflecting the development of Stockholm as a modern city, and the many challenges faced by urban planners. The exhibition will run for a month.

From the 25th until the 26th Shanghai will be one of the first cities in the world to host the Swedish Institute and Munktell Science Park’s innovation competition Smart Living Challenge. Three sessions will be held at Tongji University, Jiaotong University and design strategists China Bridge on the themes Live, Move and Eat respectively.


Seminar on Sustainable Transport Solutions


The Consulate General of Sweden in Shanghai, together with different Swedish and Chinese partners, are arranging a series of activities as part of the initiative Smart Urban Living. A seminar on Air Pollution was successfully held last week and three Smart Living Challenges, where participants brainstorm on innovative solutions for how to live, eat and move more sustainably, have taken place over the week. The seminar on Sustainable Communication hosted by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce was begun on March 27, 2014. Rounding up the week, an afternoon seminar was held on Sustainable Transport Solutions on March 27.




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College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University
