
Ding Yiwen

Post-doctoral Researcher

Brief Introduction

Dr Yiwen Ding received her Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Design degrees in Visual Communication and Multimedia Design from the School of Design at East China Normal University, and her Doctor of Education degree in Educational Culture and Society from the Institute for Advanced Studies in Education at the same university. Rooted in schools and communities for a long time, she has explored a number of innovative solutions for design education by combining interdisciplinary perspectives, covering the areas of school reform, curriculum development, pedagogical methods, and innovative school culture. Her main research interests include design-based creative education and design thinking and creativity development. In creative education, the focus is on how educators can use design to stimulate learners' creative potential in various subject areas and help them transfer and apply these abilities to their daily lives. As for design thinking and creativity development, it explores how design as a creative methodology can be promoted and infiltrated into various fields and industries in order to facilitate practitioners to develop their creative thinking and practical abilities.



Design Thinking

Creativity Development

Creative Education


Educational Background

2020.09-2024.06  Doctor of Education(PhD), East China Normal University, Institute for Advanced Studies in Education (IASE)

2017.09-2020.06  Master of Design, School of Design, East China Normal University

2013.09-2017.06  Bachelor of Art, East China Normal University, School of Design


Work Experience

2024.07-present  Post-doctoral Researcher, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University



[1] Yiwen Ding. A practical exploration of design-based creative teaching embedded in the classroom[J]. China Education Research and Review,2024. (CSSCI)

[2] Yiwen Ding. Stimulating Everyday Creativity: Theoretical Framework and Implementation Path of K-12 Design Education in the United States[J]. Journal of Comparative Education,2021,(05):41-57. (CSSCI)



Email: dingyiwen@tongji.edu.cn


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No.281 Fuxin Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai, China
College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University
