Gender: Female
Month of Birth: 1969.03
PoliticalStatus:Party member of Communist Party of China
Bachelor Degreefrom Shanghai Normal University
Master Degreefrom Hongkong Institute of education.
1991-2007Shanghai Shidong High School
Teacher, Leaderof Chinese Teaching and Research Group, Director of Political Education,Deputy Principal, Deputy Party Secretary.
2007-2017Shanghai Tongji High School
2017-Shanghai Tongji-Huangpus School of Designand Innovation
Honor: Yangpu District Gardener Award, Outstanding Communist Party Memberin Yangpu District, Shanghai OutstandingPrincipals of Legal Education, ShanghaiWoman Pace-setter.
ProfessionalSpecialty: Chinese Language Subject Evaluation Expert ofShanghai Teacher QualificationEvaluation, Evaluation Expert of Senior Chinese Teacher Evaluation in BaoshanDistrict, Central Group Member of Moral Education in Yangpu EducationInstitute.
OtherSpecialties: ShanghaiIntermediate School Psychological Counsellor