江继翔的研究领域为多设计路径引领的社会创新。在米兰理工Desis Lab(Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability)的背景下,这种路径强调产品与空间设计与服务设计结合所产生的社会影响,并强调协同设计对于激发多利益相关者,特别是边缘人群参与的贡献。基于此,江继翔的博士研究强调在面临环境生态危机的今天如何纳入非人类行动者(比如自然生态中的动植物)的参与的协作城市项目中,特别是探索关系性本体论,后人类理论以及中国传统宇宙观对于设计思维转型中发挥的具体意义。博后期间,他的研究聚焦到设计师如何以动态系统视角开发协作城市项目,并进一步关注设计干预的协作城市项目中社区亲自然行为和意识的建立。
2010.09-2014.07 设计学学士,环境设计,南开大学文学院
2014.09-2017.03 设计学硕士,交互设计, 同济大学艺术传媒学院
2015.09-2016.09 MFA双学位,交互设计,德国魏玛包豪斯大学
2018.11-2024.03 博士学位,社会创新设计,米兰理工大学设计学院
2024.08-至今 同济大学设计创意学院,博士后
2018.11-2023.07 米兰理工大学,多门研究生课程助教
2022.03-至今 米兰理工大学,多位硕士生毕业论文合作导师
2020.07-2022.07 同济大学中意学院以及清华美院,暑期学校导师及导师助理
2019.03-2021.07 米兰理工大学,米理-同济双学位项目以及学位论文负责人助理
2018.11-2024.03 米兰理工大学,Desis Lab研究员
2017.05-2018.11 欧盟Erasmus+, OD&M项目中国方秘书
2016.05-2016.10 同济大学中意中心,室内与家具设计项目研究员
2014.10-2017.11 同济大学艺术与传媒学院,整体品牌设计与导视系统项目主管
2014.09-2015.09 同济大学艺术传媒学院,UXLAB研究员
2014.07-2014.09 北京大学中营都市设计研究院,援藏鲁朗小镇项目景观设计师
1. Jixiang Jiang, and Accolla, Avril. (2019). Creating an inclusive and participatory way-finding canvas for All. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 20(2), 166-177.
2. Zuo, T., Jiang, J., Spek, E. V. D., Birk, M., & Hu, J. (2022). Situating Learning in AR Fantasy, Design Considerations for AR Game-Based Learning for Children. Electronics, 11(15), 2331.
3.Jiang, J., Wu, Y., & Zhang, S. (2023, November). Implementation of design tools for relational thinking in design for social innovation-a pluralistic perspective from Weitou Village’s oyster reef restoration project. In Service Design and Innovation Conference (pp. 951-980).
4. Jiang, J., Zhang, S.,and Wu, Y.(2023) Exploring and facilitating Daoism's contributions to design prototype, a case study from a "More-than-Human" social innovation project: Hokkhi, in De Sainz Molestina, D., Galluzzo, L., Rizzo, F., Spallazzo, D. (eds.), IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design, 9-13 October, Milan, Italy.
5. Jiang, J. (2021). The Enlightenment of the Contemporary
Transformation of Chinese Traditional Visual Space Perception on Cultural Sustainability design. In Reflecting on Design Culture (s). Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021, Volume# 1 (pp. 1007-1020).
6. Jiang, J. (2023). A Design Process to Transform Design Thinking to Build Designers' Empathy with 'More-Than-Human' Actors: A Case Study from Floating University Berlin. By Design or by Disaster conference. 92-106.9-11 April, Borzano, Italy
7. Galluzzo, L., Mastrantoni, C., Borin, A., Rasio, M., & Jiang, J. (2019). A research and teaching project for the Martesana district. In The design after-Cumulus Conference proceedings Bogotà 2019 (pp. 248-259). Cumulus Association of Universities
and Colleges of Art, Design and Media.
8. Galluzzo, L., Mastrantoni, C., Borin, A., & Jiang, J. (2019). Prototyping temporary urban solutions in Milan. In Proceedings of the 4D Conference 2019 Osaka–Meanings of Design in the Next Era (pp. 67-77). JPN.
9. Galluzzo, L., Mastrantoni, C., Borin, A., & Jiang, J. (2019). Prototyping social practices in the Martesana district: research and teaching experience that involve local communities. In EDULEARN19 Proceedings (pp. 7567-7574). IATED.
10. Jiang, J., et al. (2017). Universities, Enterprises and Maker Communities in Open Design & Manufacturing across Europe: An exploratory. (Project Report), Erasmus+ Programme.
2023受邀作为keynote speaker参与社会学顶会4S会议并进行演讲
2023博士项目 Hokkhi 获得米兰设计周高校设计展特等奖
2023博士项目 Hokkhi 入选永续 10×10 可持续新创想展
2023博士项目 Hokkhi 入围 2023 年红点奖
2023 参与Off Campus Nolo 获得首尔设计大奖
2019-2022 作为助教带领研究生工作坊产出项目多次参与米兰设计周
2012 参与“印记”项目并入选德国卡塞尔文献展
网站: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jixiang-Jiang-3