






马谨博士,2013年毕业于香港理工大学,现为同济大学设计创意学院研究员、出版平台负责人、《设计、经济与创新学报》(简称She Ji, Elsevier出版)副总编兼运营主编。同时,她也是《Journal of Visual Art Practice》(Taylor & Francis出版)的编委成员。在同济大学工业设计专业的学习和教学经历,激发了她对于设计的基础问题的探究兴趣,尤其是关于复杂系统设计活动中的个人设计体验。她的研究领域包括:设计哲学、设计知识与方法、设计教育。目前,她关注服务于设计的新型学术出版形式以及设计学科的发展趋势。马谨在出版平台的工作致力于营造以《She Ji》期刊为核心的学术出版生态系统,通过出版论文集、译丛,以及组织学术会议等活动,将前沿领域新兴的设计理论与实践推介给更多读者。除《She Ji》期刊之外,她还编辑论文集,翻译国际上新近出版的重要设计理论著作。最近,她正在主持“一点设计”译丛(同济大学出版社)的翻译和编纂工作。马谨参与设计创意学院本、硕、博教学体系的科研与实践。她是设计历史与理论硕士研究方向的联合协调人。曾经合作参与了本科设计基础课程的结构改革与具体教学;搭建并不断完善设计历史与理论方向的培养计划,主讲研究生课程《设计理论阅读》。此外,她还是设计创意学院图书馆馆长。






2007-2013  香港理工大学 设计哲学博士学位(Ph.D.)

1999-2002  同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 建筑学硕士(M.Arch.)

2001           德国斯图加特国立造型艺术学院 交换硕士研究生

1994-1999  同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 工业设计学士(B.E.)


2019-至今   同济大学设计创意学院,研究员

2014-2019  同济大学设计创意学院,副研究员

2002-2007  同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,讲师


2018  作为学术协调人参与组织2018年新兴实践设计研究与教育会议(同济大学设计创意学院);

2017  作为学术协调人参与组织2017年新兴实践设计研究与教育会议(同济大学设计创意学院);

2016  作为学术协调人参与组织2016年新兴实践设计研究与教育会议(同济大学设计创意学院);

2015  作为学术协调人参与组织2015年新兴实践设计研究与教育会议(同济大学设计创意学院);

2014  负责组织2014年新兴实践设计研究与教育会议(同济大学设计创意学院);

2013-至今  《设计、经济与创新学报》(She Ji:The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, Elsevier出版)运营主编;

2013-至今  Journal of Visual Art Practice(Taylor & Francis出版)编委成员。




[1] Ma, J., Lou, Y., & Gong, Y. (Eds.). (2018). Emerging Practices: Designing in Complexity. Tongji University Press.

[2] Ma, J., Fassi, D., & Lou, Y. (Eds.). (2015). Emerging Practices: Inquiry into the Developing. Tongji University Press.

[3] Ma, J., & Lou, Y. (Eds.). (2014). Emerging Practices: Practices, Values, and Approaches in Design. China Architecture & Buildings Press.

[4] Ma, J. (2013). A Phenomenological Inquiry into the Experience of Having a Design Concept. Mistra Urban Futures.



[1] Ma, J. (2018). Emerging DesignX Practices. In J. Ma, Y. Lou, & Y. Gong (Eds.), Emerging Practices: Designing in Complexity (pp. 1–8). Tongji University Press.

[2] Lou, Y., Fan, F., & Ma, J. (2016). Mission D, an Interdisciplinary Innovation and Venture Program at Tongji University. In Creating Innovation Leaders (pp. 201–213). Springer.

[3] Ma, J., & Lou, Y. (2015). Restructuring Design Foundation based on the Framework of Four Orders of Design. In J. Ma, D. Fassi, & Y. Lou (Eds.), Emerging Practices: The Developing. Proceedings of the Emerging Practices: Design Research and Education Conference 2014 (pp. 175–189). Tongji University Press.

[4] Lou, Y., & Ma, J. (2015). A 3D “T-shaped” Design Education Framework. In Gerald Bast, Elias G. Carayannis, & David F. J. Campbell (Eds.), Arts, Research, Innovation and Society (pp. 123–136). Springer.

[5] Ma, J. (2014). Approaching the Emerging Landscapes of Design Practices. In J. Ma & Y. Lou (Eds.), Emerging Practices: Practices, Values, and Approaches in Design (pp. 2–11). China Architecture & Buildings Press.



[1] Friedman, K., Lou, Y., & Ma, J. (2020). She Ji: The Next Five Years. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, 6(1), 1–4. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sheji.2020.02.002.

[2] Friedman, K., & Ma, J. (2018). A New Genre of Design Research Literature. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation 4(2), 123–124. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sheji.2018.05.001.

[3] Friedman, K., Lou, Y., & Ma, J. (2015). Shè Jì: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation 1(1), 1–4. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sheji.2015.09.002.

[4] Ho, D. K.-L., Ma, J., & Lee, Y. Empathy @ design research: A phenomenological study on young people experiencing participatory design for social inclusion. CoDesign 7(2), 95–106. https://doi.org/10.1080/15710882.2011.609893.



[1] 马谨,娄永琪. 基于四秩序框架的设计基础教学改革[J].装饰,2016,2016(6):108~111

[2] 马谨. “设计概念”对我们隐瞒了什么[J].南京艺术学院学报(美术与设计版),2015,158:107~111

[3] 马谨. 再读杜威之“拥有一个体验”[J].大设计,2013,9(1):31~34

[4] 马谨. 延伸中的设计与“含义制造”[J].装饰,2013, 2013(12):122~124

[5] 马谨. 过程的力量——同济大学2010年NISSAN汽车设计课程手记[J]. 大设计,2006,2(2): 3~10



[1] Ma, J. (2019). A Review of the DesignX Discourse: Knowledge Diffusion and Integration across Disciplines. In P. L. P. Rau (Ed.), Cross-Cultural Design: Methods, Tools and User Experience (11th International Conference, CCD 2019, held as Part of HCI International 2019, Orlando, USA, July 26–31, 2019, Proceedings) (pp. 57–78). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22577-3_5.

[2] Lou, Y., & Ma, J. (2018). Growing a Community-Supported Ecosystem of Future Living: The Case of NICE2035 Living Line. In P. L. P. Rau (Ed.), Cross-Cultural Design: Methods, Practice and Impact (10th International Conference, CCD 2018, held as Part of HCI International 2018, Las Vegas, USA, July 15–20, 2018, Proceedings) (pp. 320–333). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-92252-2_26.

[3] Ma, J. (2017). What Is a System? A Lesson Learned from the Emerging Practice of DesignX. In P. L. P. Rau (Ed.), Cross-Cultural Design (9th International Conference, CCD 2017, Held as Part of HCI International 2017, Vancouver, Canada, July 9–14, 2017, Proceedings) (pp. 59–75). Springer.

[4] Ma, J., & Lou, Y. (2015). Restructuring Design Foundation based on the Framework of Four Orders of Design. In J. Ma, D. Fassi, & Y. Lou (Eds.), Emerging Practices: Inquiry into the Developing (pp. 175–189). Tongji University Press.

[5] Ma, J. (2015). Meaning Making and the Expanding Scope of Design. In A.Meroni, L. Galluzzo, &L. Collina (Eds.), The Virtuous Circle - Cumulus Conference - Milan, June 2015 (pp.1303–16). McGraw Hill.

[6] Ma, J. (2015). When Human-Centered Design Meets Social Innovation: The Idea of Meaning Making Revisited. In P. L. P. Rau (Ed.), Cross-Cultural Design: Methods, Practice and Impact (7th International Conference, CCD 2015, Held as Part of HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2–7, 2015, Proceedings, Part I), (pp. 349–60). Springer.

[7] 娄永琪,马谨. 一个立体T型的设计教育框架 [A]. 见:童慧明,彭圣芳,李健. 2013成长&引领——全国高等学校工业设计教育研讨会论文集 [C]. 北京:北京理工大学出版社,2013. 50~56

[8] Ma, J, Ho, D. K.-L., & Chuah, C.K.P. (2010). Empathy @ design research: A phenomenological study on young designers experiencing participatory design. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Design & Emotion (Digital file in compact disc). The Institute of Design, IIT.

[9] Ma, Jin, and Xiangyang Xin (2010). “What ‘design concepts’ hide from us.” In Proceedings of the 2010 Internal Conference of Industrial Design Education & International Academic Forum, 480–489. Tianjin, China. Beijing: National Defense Industry Press, 2010.

[10] Ma, J., Xin, X, & Poggenpohl, S. (2009). Understanding the dynamic nature of design knowledge: A preliminary study on how knowledge is structured in comprehensive-studio based conceptual design. In Proceedings of IASDR 2009: Rigor and relevance in design, 1109–1118. Seoul, South Korea. Retrieved from #/ap/index.html

[11] Ho, D. K.-L., Ma, J., & Chuah, C.K.P. (2010). Bring in communicative rationality into design participation: A lesson from inclusive design. In Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference 2010: Participation: the challenge (pp. 101–110). University of Technology, Sydney.

[12] Chuah, C.K.P., Ma, J., & and Ho, D. K.-L. (2012). Understanding users: A phenomenologically-inspired study on design educators and students experiencing user study in design. In Proceedings of Cumulus 2010 Shanghai Conference (pp. 112–118). Tongji University Press.



[1] J.萨卡拉.新经济的召唤——设计明日世界[M](马谨,马越译). 上海:同济大学出版社,2018.

[2] E.曼奇尼.设计,在人人设计的时代:社会创新设计导论[M](钟芳,马谨译).北京:电子工业出版社,2016.

[3] E.曼奇尼,V.塔斯纳里.可持续的品质:社会改变的强大驱动者[A](马谨译).见:马谨,娄永琪编. 新兴实践:设计的专业、价值与途径[C].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2014.160~195

[4] V.马格林.好社会构想:21世纪的行动框架[A](马谨,吴宁译).见:马谨,娄永琪编. 新兴实践:设计的专业、价值与途径[C].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2014.134~159

[5] A.福德卢克.为彻底的关联性而设计:以“关联性设计”应对危险、并发的依存现实[A](马谨译).见:马谨,娄永琪编. 新兴实践:设计的专业、价值与途径[C].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2014.42~73



[1] Ma, J. (May 2012). What Do “Design Concepts” Hide from Us? Speech presented at 2012 Re-design Design Education Conference. Wu Xi, China: Jiangnan University.



[1] 马谨(项目负责人),深圳NEEDS实验室活化研究(横向),2018.12—2019.11;

[2] 马谨(课题组成员;项目负责人:徐志磊),科学建构设计竞争力评价模型,中国工程院重点咨询项目子课题,2015.10—2016.08;

[3] 马谨(课题组成员;项目负责人:方守恩;第一子课题负责人:娄永琪),中意跨国数字协同设计关键技术研究,国家国际科技合作计划,2012.01—2015.11;

[4] 马谨(第二负责人), “城市引领中国新成长”中国城市居民新生活形态研究之长三角地区的研究,2013。



[1] 2014,《装饰》杂志2013年度优秀论文。

[2] 2015, “面向知识网络时代的创新设计卓越人才基础教学改革与实践”,同济大学2015年教学成果奖15093(3/3)。

[3] 2017,“‘立体T’型创新设计人才培养模式建构和实践”,上海市级教学成果奖,

G-1-2017052 (2/10)。

[4] 2021,《设计、经济与创新学报》获得“2020—2021年度上海设计100+”奖(1/3)。



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