Associate Professor (Probationary)
Sustainable Development Economics
Innovative Design Competitiveness
Sustainable Design
Sustainable Thinking
Theories and Research Methods of Sustainable Development
Strategy and Management of Design
Academic and social Post
Researcher in Tongji University sustainable development and new-type urbanization think tank
Vice dean of Tongji University researcher center of innovative design competitiveness
Education Background
2011/9-2016/3 PhD of Economics, Tongji University
2012/9-2014/1 Master of Financial Services, University of Limerick
Work Experience
2021/12- now Associate Professor (Probationary), Tongji University College of Design and Innovation
2018/1-2021/12 Assistant Professor Tongji University College of Design and Innovation
2016/4-2018/1 Post Doctor Shanghai Jiao Tong University Antai College of Economics and Management
[1] Zhang, S*., Zhu, D. J., 2020. Have countries moved towards sustainable development or not? Definition, criteria, indicators and empirical analysis[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 267, 121929.
[2] Zhang, S*., Zhu, D. J., Zhang, J. P., Li, L. L., 2020. Which influencing factors could reduce ecological consumption? Evidence from 90 countries for the time period 1996-2015[J]. Applied Sciences, 10(2), 678.
[3] Zhang, S., Zhu, D. J.*, Shi, Q. H., Cheng, M. W., 2018. Which countries are more ecologically efficient in improving human well-being? An application of the Index of Ecological Well-being Performance[J]. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 129, 112-119.
[4] Zhang, S., Liu, B. B., Zhu, D. J., Cheng, M. W.*, 2018. Explaining individual subjective well-being of urban China based on the four-capital model[J]. Sustainability, 10(10), doi:10.3390/su10103480.
[5] Zhang, S., Shi, Q. H., Cheng, M. W.*, 2017. Renewable natural capital, the Biocapacity, and subjective well-being[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 150, 277-286.
[6] Zhu, D. J., Zhang, S.*, Sutton, D. B., 2015. Linking Daly’s Proposition to policymaking for sustainable development: Indicators and pathways[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 102, 333-341.
Email zhangshuaiboshi@tongji.edu.cn
Web https://tjdi.tongji.edu.cn/TeacherDetail.do?id=4657&lang=