Friday, March 3, 2017 14:30
Sino-Finnish Centre, 4th floor, Shixun Building, No.100 Zhangwu Road, Yangpu District.
14:30 - 15:00 - Registration
15:00 - 15:30 - Presentation by Prof. LOU Yongqi
15:30 - 16:30 - Presentation of Prof. Weinberg
16:30 - 17:00 - Q&A
17:00 - 17:30 - Networking and end of the Event
Prof. Ulrich Weinberg Head of the School of Design Thinking, HPI Potsdam and Author of “Networking Thinking - Was kommt nach dem Brockhaus Denken?” (2016) Prof. LOU Yongqi Dean, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University Moderators Yi-Heng Cheng Chief Operating Officer of CBI Investment Management Ltd. (HK) on clean coal technology, Asia Deputy Director of International Ecological Development Union (EDUI), member of the Club of Rome. Ms. Magali Menant Co-Founder and Managing Partner, CONSTELLATIONS International
The talk reflects the paradigm shift which we all are witnessing right now. The shift from a more linear analogue way to think and act with a focus on competition and hierarchy towards a much more efficient nonlinear digital mode with the focus on collaboration and connectivity. The famous German encyclopedia "Brockhaus“ is a perfect example and visual metaphor for this transition. 200 years of history are just right now fading off the bookshelf - the publisher discontinued the print version in 2014 - replaced by the networked version of organizing the access to knowledge, like Wikipedia and Google. We see similar things happening in organizational structures and processes. The competitive "IQ-mode", measuring single people performance, will be replaced by the new "WeQ–mode“ focusing on We-Qualities encouraging a “team of teams” habit with new incentive models in education and business. Prof. Ulrich Weinberg will share some of his insights while supporting large organizations and explores why digital transformation processes always need to be accompanied by cultural change.
Note: This talk is free for Tongji students and professors, please register by clicking read more (fill "Tongji University" as company name) and bring your Tongji ID (一卡通) along with you at registration.